Contribute to the Ebionite Community

The majority of the Evyonim are ex-Christians still living among Christians in small towns.

Many Jews would like to missionize Christians but for various reasons find it prohibitive. We will provide information and support to Christians wanting to escape Christianity. We want to build small synagogues in these towns where Christians can have the opportunity to see a better way of life. Converts will be assisted and introduced to Judaism in hopes that they will also join mainstream congregations.

We hope to build our first bet knesset in East Tennessee in the heart of a fundamentalist Christian area. This bet will become a hub for other communities. We will first build a mikveh, then find land for a cemetery, and then a bet knesset. We hope to be able to provide biblically clean and humanely killed meat someday. The bet knesset will be based on first century models without luxury. The only wealth found inside will be that of faith. Plans will be provided here soon.

We need your support. If you are a cantor, a rabbi, president or layperson, we want your help in our endeavors. You can help us with your friendship, knowledge, advice, and good will. If you can help us with donations of money or materials. These can include religious texts and objects. We want support from Jews on a personal level without expecting committment on an official level. Think of what you would like to do to help bring gentiles knowledge of HaShem and we will do it in your stead.

Send your donations to:

The Ebionite Community
Shemayah Phillips
900 River Road
Huntsville, TN 37756

You will be provided with a receipt upon request and all spending will be reported by request. Checks can be made payable to Shemayah Phillips. Please, note how you would like to see your money spent. If you have any questions please  contact us.




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