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Zi]]ÁrÕn Remembrance: A monthly witness of historical persecution against the real saints of Yahweh. |
And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahshua...
How many people have died horrible, tortuous deaths at the hands of the ignorant incited by the religion growing from the teachings of Paul Tarsu, the Liar.
"It is dishonest henceforth to refuse to face the fact that the basic root of modern antisemitism lies squarely in the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament." --Rev. James Parkes in Davies A.T. (ed) "Antisemitism and the Foundations of Christianity", Paulist Press, New York, 1979, p. xi. [Thanks Lloyd]
Why? These things, the murders of men women and little children, including the ancient 'Evyonim, the martyrs of Yahshua, were committed by those drunk with the Whore's wine. The saints, Yisra'el, rejected this cup, and literally millions have been put to death remaining in the faith of YHWH. The "calendar" below is after Every Day Remembrance Day by Simon Wiesenthal (New York: Holt, 1987), and other sources cited accordingly. [Wiesenthal's book contains far more information---a very worthwhile and "sobering" volume. Another suggested book is The Anguish of the Jews, by a Catholic priest, Edward Flannery, New York: Macmillan, 1965.] Only one incident of many is shown for each date.
This page is dedicated to the Remembrance of Those of Blessed Memory, known and unknown save by Yah, who suffered murder for their Faith and their refusal to turn their faces from YHWH.
View Month
1 | 1942 | A convoy with 1.290 Jews heads from Vienna to Theresienstadt concentration camp. | 2 | 1919 | Petylyurian units of the Ukrainian National Army carry out a pogrom at Dymar, Podolia, Russia. 4 are killed, many wounded, and some girls and women are raped. | |
3 | 1648 | This day the siege of Lvov, Galicia, Poland begins by Chmielnicki's cossacks. 6,000 Jews will die through the rest of the month. | 4 | 1941 | 3,000 Jews of the Kaunas ghetto in the Lithuanian USSR are taken to Fortress #9 and murdered. | |
5 | 1737 | Antonio Jose da Silva, a famous comedic writer of the period is accused of Judaizing by the inquistion at Lisbon is killed in an auto-de-fe. | 6 | 1942 | SS shoot 500 Jews at Warkovicze, Volhynia, Poland. | |
7 | 1941 | Over 2 days 7,000 Jews from the ghetto of Borisov, Belorus, SSR, are shot in a ravine near the airport. | 8 | 1942 | SS and Lithuanian police kill 1,100 over 2 days at Hajdukzoc | |
9 | 1920 | Pogrom at Vilna, Lithuania for three days. Polish Army entering the town after the Red Army pulls out shoots 80 and drowns some and bury others alive. | 10 | 1290 | Jews are expulsed from England. A ship carrying Jews from London sets them out on a sandbar on the coast. The tide comes in and drowns them. But later the perpetrators are hanged by authorities. | |
11 | 1944 | 20 mentally ill Jews of Venice are taken to the only Italian concentration camp, Risiera di San Sabba. At least 5 are killed by evening by SS guards. | 12 | 1285 | Jews accused of ritual murder in Munchen, Germany are burnt alive on Shabbat evening in their synagogue by a Christian mob after they refuse to be baptized as Christians. | |
13 | 1726 | A Portuguese cleric is burnt at the stake at Lisbon for Judaizing. | 14 | 1542 | 20 "New Christians" (from families forcibly baptized into Christianity) are burned at the stake in Lisbon. | |
15 | 1941 | The entire Jewish population of Roslawj, Ukraine SSR is shot by Nazis. | 16 | 1746 | 3 New Christians accused of Judaizing are burnt at the stake at Lisbon. | |
17 | 1941 | SS murder 900 Jews of Ostrozec, Volhynia, Poland. | 18 | 1905 | Over 750 Jews in several Russian districts are killed during pogroms organized and supported by the authorities, police, army, and conservative, anti-semitic "Black Hundreds" members. | |
19 | 1905 | The pogroms of the 18th continue in Russia. Over 270 are killed. Other are beaten and wounded. More are killed and wounded the next day. | 20 | 1941 | 8,000 Jews from the Borisov ghetto in Belorus are killed by SS. | |
21 | 1981 | Truck bomb explodes outside an Antwerp, Belgium synagogue killing 3 and wounding 106. | 22 | 1648 | Chmielnicki's Cossacks exterminate the entire population of Jews at Tomaszov Lubelski, Poland.. | |
23 | 1541 | 5 people are burned at the stake for Judaizing at Lisbon. | 24 | 1492 | A priest accuses 24 Jews of host desecration at Mecklenberg, Germany, and burnt at the stake. | |
25 | 1905 | At Rjepki, Russia, Jewish homes and shops are looted and demolished impoverishing 286 Jewish families. | 26 | 1942 | Over the next few days 1,800 Jews are murdered in Lublin province, Poland, at Krasnobrod by the SS. | |
27 | 1765 | The last public auto-da-fe against accused Judaizers among New Christians is held at Lisbon. | 28 | 1941 | 2,000 Jews at the Belorussiann SSR towns of Lachovice and Lida, each, are murdered by SS. | |
29 | 1941 | 3,000 Jews are shot at a sandpit near Srednjaja Poguljanka, Dunaburg, Latvia. | 30 | 1941 | 5,000 Jews are shot at Niesviez, Belorus by SS. | |
31 | 1941 | Jews deported from Kishinev, Rumania (now Moldova) are massacred along the Dniester River by Rumanian police and German soldiers. 53,000 are killed. |
1 | 1349 | The duke of Brabant (Belgium) orders that all, even baptised, Jews are to be executed at Brussels. They are accused of poisoning Christian wells. | 2 | 1944 | SS, Hungarian Fascists, and rural police spend five days driving 76,000 Jews from Buda-Pesht towards Vienna. Almost 10,000 die along the way. | |
3 | 1943 | SS and Latvian police murder 3,000 Jews in the Latvian SSR capital, Riga. | 4 | 1941 | Nazis set up a ghetto at Lubavich, Smolensk, USSR. They then shoot 483 Jews. | |
5 | 1942 | 400 Jewish children and elderly of Stopnica ghetto, Poland are shot in Szczecin cemetery where 3,000 have been driven on the way to other camps. | 6 | 1941 | German soldiers take 18,000 Jews of Rovno, Ukraine, SSR, to a nearby pine forest and execute them. | |
7 | 1941 | 8,000 mostly women and children Jews from the Dunaburg ghetto are shot at Poguljanka by SS and Latvian volunteers. | 8 | 1941 | SS shoot two girls, 14 and a 15 year old, after raping them, at Krjupow, USSR. | |
9 | 1938 | The Kristallnacht attacks on Jews begin in Germany. | 10 | 1938 | The day after Kristallnacht in Germany, 35,000 Jews are arrested and sent to concentration camps. | |
11 | 1939 | 600 Jews of Ostrov Mazoviecki, Poland are taken to the nearby forrest and murdered by the Nazis. | 12 | 1941 | All Jewish men and women of Gorodok, Belorus are shot and their children are buried alive by the SS. | |
13 | 1943 | 2,000 Jews of Dobiecin, Poland are killed by SS. | 14 | 1943 | Italian Fascists kill 3 Jews at Ferrara. | |
15 | 1491 | Near Toledo, at La Guardia, Spain, 6 Jews and 5 Conversos are to death for "killing Christians with the help of black magic. | 16 | 1491 | Also at LaGuardia 5 Jews are arrested and accused and condemned of murdering a child. 3 are forcibly baptised, garroted, then burned. The other two are torn to pieces. | |
17 | 1349 | 330 Jews of several Swiss towns are burnt at the stake. | 18 | 1648 | Over the course of three days, the hordes of Chmielnicki slaughter 10,000 Jews in the Ukraine, at Kamenets-Podolski.. | |
19 | 1943 | Nazis liquidate the Janowska labor camp. Most of the Jews are killed. | 20 | 1941 | SS shoot 500 Jews from the Vilna ghetto in Poland over two days. | |
21 | 1918 | Polish soldiers organize a pogrom against the Jews of Lvov, Galicia (now Ukraine). 72 are killed, 443 wounded. | 22 | 1348 | Black Death persecutions against Jews spread to southern German provinces of Swabia and Bavaria. The first location of massacre is Augsburg, on this day. | |
23 | 1942 | 650 Jews are shot in the forest near Aglejby estate in Belorus. | 24 | 1605 | Polish king, Sigismund III Vasa expels all the Jews of the Bochnia area when a Jew accused of host desecration has fled. | |
25 | 1696 | 14 "Judaizers" (men and women) are burned alive in an auto-de-fe at Coimbra, Portugal. | 26 | 1942 | Portuguese Embassy tries to protect Sefardi Jews from being sent from Buda-Pesht to Sopron, Hungary. The slave laborers are to build fortifications near Vienna for the Nazis where many die. | |
27 | 1095 | Pope Urban II proclaims the First Crusade. The Crusade will claim the lives of thousands of Jews killed by Christians on their way to Palestine. | 28 | 1940 | In the Netherlands, all Jews are dismissed from all civil service positions. Protestant churches send a protest letter to no avail. | |
29 | 1941 | At Kertsh in the Crimea Peninsula, 4,500 Jews are murdered by the SS. | 30 | 1941 | Riga, Latvia, SSR: Einsatzgruppe A, SS, shoot 10,600 Jews in the nearby forest. 30 Jewish children are thrown from the ghetto hospital's second floor windows to their death. 15 are shot in the Jewish cemetery there. |
1 | 1652 | Manuel Fernandez Villareal is found guilty of secretly being a Jew and burned alive in Lisbon, Portugal. | 2 | 1264 | A convert to Judaism who takes the name Abraham shows up in a small town, Sinzig, Germany to preach Judaism. He is arrested, and refusing to die as a Christian, he is horribly tortured and burnt alive at the stake by the Christians. | |
3 | 1918 | Gangs of Czech soldiers break into Jewish shops and homes, at Holleschau, looting and burning. Two Jews are murdered | 4 | 1941 | Hungarian occupation forces hand over the Ukrainian town of Horodenka to the Nazis. The able-bodied Jews are taken away as slaves while the rest are shot outside town and put in mass graves. | |
5 | 1349 | 500 Jews are tortured, burnt at the stake, or outright murdered as part of the "Black Death Persecutions" at Nuremberg, Germany. | 6 | 1348 | The Jewish community of Lindau on the Bodensee is eliminated by superstitious Christians as part of the Black Death Persecutions" via the stake or murder. | |
7 | 1943 | 661 French Jews from occupied France are sent to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. | 8 | 1596 | 4 members of the well-known converso family, the Carvajals, are burnt at the stake in Mexico City by the Spanish Inquisition. | |
9 | 1942 | The SS storm the synagogue at Tunis, Tunisia to take the men for slave labor. | 10 | 1600 | In Spanish Peru 14 Portuguese "New Christians" are tried at an auto-a-fe as Judaizers. Two are burnt at the stake. | |
11 | 1939 | 15,000 Jews are expelled from Kalisz, Poland. | 12 | 1505 | Ceske Budejovice, Bohemia, 10 Jews are accused of blood libel on November 20th. After weeks of torture, they are burnt at the stake this day. Later the accuser confesses he lied as he is old and dying. | |
13 | 1942 | Of 2,700 Jews being deported to Auschwitz from Wyszgorod, Poland, 620 are shot by the SS first. | 14 | 1943 | 200 Jews are shot by SS and Ukrainian police at Drohobycz, Poland. | |
15 | 1647 | Isaac de Castro Tartas is killed by the Inquisition. He recites the Shema and refuses to recant. 5 others are burnt alive with him. 60 more are given life imprisonment. | 16 | 1941 | In a two day operation at Yalta on the Black Sea, 1,500 Jews are massacred by the SS. | |
17 | 1531 | Pope Clement IV establishes the Inquisition in Portugal. Many Jews came to more lenient Portugal after being thrown out of Spain in 1492. | 18 | 1943 | 2,503 Jews are sent from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz death camp. | |
19 | 1942 | 3,000 Jewish internees of the Dworzec labor in Poland (now Byelorus) revolt against SS. All are killed. | 20 | 1632 | Nicolas Antoine, a French pastor from a Catholic family who converted to Judaism, is declared insane. Later he is called up on charges for converting and executed at Geneva, Switzerland on this date. | |
21 | 1680 | 21 accused of Judaizing at Toledo, Spain. 2 are burnt alive. The rest are garroted (strangled) first before burning. | 22 | 1941 | The prolonged program of systematic murder at Vilna, Poland (Lithuania) is completed. 32,000 of this area have been murdered. | |
23 | 1942 | 150 craftsmen, the last Jews of Pinsk, Poland (Byelorus) are driven to the Jewish cemetery, shot and buried. | 24 | 1496 | Portuguese king, Manuel I, orders the expulsion of all Jews within 10 months after which they will be killed and their property confiscated by the crown. | |
25 | 1942 | SS massacres 2,500 Jews in the Potavy ghetto in Lithuania. | 26 | 1941 | 100 Jews expecting to be picked up for slave labor at the Lvov, Poland ghetto gate. Instead, the Gestapo takes them to the Jewish cemetery and shot. | |
27 | 1942 | The last Jew of Kaluszyn, Poland is betrayed by a Pole for a bottle of vodka and shot in the street. | 28 | 1941 | SS shoot 600 Jewish children in the forest of Rumbuli, outside Riga, Latvia. | |
29 | 1944 | Hungarian members of the Arrow Cross fascists storm homes under Swedish diplomatic protection and drag out over 100 Jewish men and women and kill them. | 30 | 1944 | SS and Arrow Cross members rlound up 28 young Jewish women at Bethlen Square Hospital in Buda-Pesht. They kill them at a local girls' school. | |
31 | 1944 | Hungarian Arrow Cross fascists strom the Ritz Hotel in Buda-Pesht (supposedly under international protection) and murder a Zionist leader, O. Komoly. |
1 HEP -The initials of "Hierosolyma est perdita"
or, Jerusalem is lost! in Latin. During the Crusades, Jews were seen as even worse
infidels than Muslims and were murdered in droves by crusaders on their way to Palestine.
Jews were blamed for the capture of the Holy Sepulchre by the Muslims; therefore, the
saying, "HEP!" is a battle-cry of Jew haters (even in the 1800s).
2 Auto-de-fé -"act of faith" involving the torture,
and murder (by burning) of enemies of the Christian church, featuring hymns, and general
3 Pogrom -an organized and usually officially instigated
massacre (of Jews in Eastern Europe).
4 Black Death (Persecutions) -During the Black Death or
Plague, i.e., Bubonic Plague, Christians accused Jews of poisoning, curses, witchcraft,
etc., because generally Jews were not as ravaged by the plague as the Christians were.
This was largely due to Jewish laws concerning cleanliness, and the general filthiness of
non-Jews of the time period. According to Christians, the "evil" Jews had to be
5 Host Desecration -The Host, a communion wafer that
"became Christ" during communion (transubstantiation), it was claimed, was
sometimes "kidnapped" and mistreated by Jews. Therefore, Christ was being
attacked, etc., by Jews.
6 Mufti -an expounder of Islamic law.
7 Blood Libel -a libel spread against Jews that accused them
of using the blood of Christian children for a Passover sacrifice.
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