You should soon be able to type in the above address to find our pages. (7.15.98)
Read the Torah with us. We will begin Bereshiyt (Gen 1.1-6.8) for
Shabbbat Oct.17, 1998 (Tishri 27, 5759). More info? (7.15.98)
This Site!
Some of our older friends know that there is another Ebionite Community site at
Geocities. That site will change somewhat into an extension of this site. Ever type in the
Geocities URL? Phew!
You can still reach us at: ebyoni@geocities.com
We have owned this domain name since last summer but have not activated it. Should
We have a list!
We now have a list, actually trying it out, where Ebionites can discuss Ebionite stuff.
Are you sincerely considering the Ebionite approach to faith in Yahweh? Find out more
about the Listserv.